Assurance • Security Assessments
Strengthen Your Cyber Security with Our Security Posture Assessment (SPA)

- Security Posture is defined as “the security status of an enterprise’s networks, information, and systems based on the information security resources (e.g., people, hardware, software, policies) and capabilities in place to manage the defense of the enterprise and to react as the situation changes.” – National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST SP 800-30 Rev.1)
- A Security Posture Assessment (SPA) is a useful first step for an organisation that wants to identify what their security status is, what do they further need, and what they need to do to improve or maintain their current security status or maturity level. It can help organisations strengthen their security defences by providing a security roadmap or information for a security strategy, including a roadmap, in a manner that will have the biggest impact and yield the best return on investment (ROI).
- For any organisation, defining your security posture is important because it will guide your security strategy, determine your security projects, and influence your security spending. A SPA is essential in building a long-term security strategy that will protect your organisation.
- As an experienced penetration testing services provider, we provide SPA services that integrate all facets of security, whether it be security governance, technical vulnerabilities, or human resource constraints, into one comprehensive assessment, that will provide an overview of your organisation’s true security status. We also break this comprehensive service down to suit your requirements.