
Strengthen Your Cyber Security with Our Breach and Attack Simulation (BAS)

Ensuring that all those network / security devices that was bought by your organization is actually working for you.

Cyber Attack Assessment is a service to ensure that all those network / security devices that were bought by your organisation are actually working for you. The objective of this assessment is to simulate a real-world cyber attack on an organisation’s infrastructure and see how the network and security devices are reacting to it. Is it able to block the attacks or is there any tweaks to be done on the configuration types to block these attacks? Does your Next Gen Firewall, Web Application Firewall, Intrustion Prevention / Detection Systems are working as they supposed to? These answers can be obtained if these assessments are performed.

Below are the types of attacks that FIRMUS penetration testing could perform and that can be customised for each client depending on the environment and type of devices they have.

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Penetration testing, cyber security strategy, proof-of-value, or just some information? Our domain experts provide bespoke cyber security offerings to solve your digital transformation challenges.